Mission & Vision

The IES Mission

The International Education Systems group (IES) promotes the development of young people who will have the capacity to contribute proactively to the ongoing work towards a better world. Through dynamic programs, IES strives to develop leaders for the future who are collaborative, communicative, enquiring, respectful and creative individuals with a passion for lifelong learning. IES students will be encouraged to integrate effectively in the local, national and international communities through the diverse opportunities afforded to them.

The International Baccalaureate Organization Mission

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the IBO works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment. These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people with their differences can also be right.

SEK Budapest International Pledge

As members of the SEK Budapest International community we aim to be inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world. We have an international outlook, we promote pluralism, we celebrate diversity and we respect others, including those who are different. We will stand up for our rights with respect and we will honor our responsibilities. In all we do, we will do our best.

SEK Budapest’s Vision

The mission of SEK, of which the International Education Systems (IES) Group is a subdivision, has been refined over more than one hundred years by parent, teacher and student contributions. It states:

The student and his or her world provide the context for all activity and learning within the organization which, in turn, respects each student as an individual, looks to discover and encourage his or her personal abilities, and work to ensure their full development; the SEK International Organization educates in and for freedom. It accepts the challenges that this creates and exerts each student to take responsibility for his or her actions; the SEK International Organization does not discriminate on grounds of nationality, gender, race, creed or religion; the SEK International Organization promotes a sense of community in its students. It values work as an essential factor in the growth and self-esteem of each person, and as a socializing process rather than one leading to rivalry and ambition; the SEK International Organization, embracing the principles of humanism, is open to all learning experiences, which lead to the achievement of its goals.

We are an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School for the Diploma Program. The philosophy of the school springs from a firm belief in the need to teach our children respect for themselves, others and the academic process as well as to develop their self-confidence and self-reliance, thus enabling them to become productive world citizens. The school believes that education should promote “learning to learn, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together.” Our focus is to provide a context for the development of each student’s social and emotional intelligence. In so doing, we support our students in reaching their own understanding of the value of learning and the development of academic skills which will enable them to be successful and gain qualifications necessary for a productive and successful life.

SEK Budapest’s Values

  • We are committed to provide a quality international education to a diverse community of learners from Pre-K through 12th Grade in a caring, supportive and safe environment.
  • We demand high standards and expects students to strive to reach their greatest potential.
  • Our curriculum is designed to challenge the college-bound student through effective communication, critical thinking and problem solving.
  • Our curriculum is designed to develop an appreciation of the importance of good citizenship, community spirit and solidarity amongst our students.
  • Our curriculum seeks to develop the personal and academic potential in each student and extends support beyond academics to the arts and athletics.
  • We are committed to the affirmation of personal worth, self-esteem and respect for others.
  • We build a foundation for each child that supports academic excellence, personal integrity and the valuing of the individual.
  • We expect students to put forth the effort necessary to reach their greatest potential.
  • We encourage and support a professional and dedicated faculty enriched by professional learning.
  • We value the relationship between faculty and family and the sharing of common educational goals to enrich the curriculum.
  • We do not, in any manner, discriminate for reasons of nationality, gender, race, ideology or religion. We recognize our cultural diversity as one of our strengths.

Vision & Mission

IES schools/School name deliver a rigorous skills-based curriculum through relevant and real-life challenges that have meaning to learners and encourages them to take responsible action from what they have learned.

Our student-centred approach allows students to build on previous learning and to demonstrate this in a variety of ways which ensures personal success for each learner.

IES graduates are confident and independent creative problem-solvers with a passion for learning. They are empathetic, open minded and resolute; appreciate their own culture and respect the cultures of others.

They are future-ready global citizens who are prepared for the real world and want to make a difference.

Sapientia Quod Faciendum Faciam

Do what you must with wisdom